This pilot study investigates the reciprocal impact of juvenile justice system contact on the family unit, particularly the dynamic between arrested and non-arrested near-age siblings.

The Juvenile Risk Assessment Study
In collaboration with the Ingham County 30th Circuit Court- Family Division, longitudinal data on juvenile risk, needs, programming, child welfare services, and recidivism are collected for all youth who have been arrested in the county. With this sweeping data, we investigate racial/ethnic disparities, program efficacy, predictive validity, and more.

The Short-Term Detention Study
In collaboration with the Ingham County Youth Center, this study examines the efficacy of various programs within short-term detention in terms of facility safety and youth recidivism. Longitudinal data are collected for every youth who enters the facility and are linked to risk and recidivism scores collected by the county.

The Adolescent Social Development & Sleep Study
The ASDS Study examines the extent to which normative adolescent social development and sleep patterns are disrupted by incarceration. The study compares markers of social development and healthy sleep in matched samples of incarcerated youth, youth on probation, and non-arrested youth over three years, and track how social development and sleep corresponds to mental health and re-offending.
Barendse, M., Flannery, J., Cavanagh, C., et al. (in press). Longitudinal Change in Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Symptoms from before to during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Research on Adolescence.
Cavanagh, C., Simmons, C., *Liggett O’Malley, R., Frick, P., Steinberg, L., & Cauffman, E. (in press). The Moderating Role of Maternal CU Traits in the Stability of Justice-Involved Adolescents’ CU Traits. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.
*Acland, E., & Cavanagh, C., (in press). Anger, violence, and recidivism in justice system involved youth. Justice Quarterly.
*Kitzmiller, M. K., *Hoskins, K., & Cavanagh, C. (in press). Examining sex-based measurement invariance in the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory. Crime & Delinquency.
Cavanagh, C. (2022). Healthy adolescent development and the juvenile justice system: Challenges and solutions. Child Development Perspectives, 16(3), 141-147.
*Kitzmiller, M. K., *Paruk, J., & Cavanagh, C. (2022). Criminogenic risk score trajectories of justice-involved youth: An investigation across race/ethnicity. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(9), 1342–1358.