Welcome back to school!Sep 8, 2018The ADJust lab doctoral students completed a 5k to celebrate the beginning of the academic year! We look forward to a happy, healthy, productive year ahead. Welcome back to school!
The ADJust lab doctoral students completed a 5k to celebrate the beginning of the academic year! We look forward to a happy, healthy, productive year ahead. Welcome back to school!
New article alert: Risk/needs reduction in a specialty domestic minor sex trafficking courtDr. Cavanagh's latest article, A Specialty Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Court: Risks and Needs Reduction and the Youth Level of...
Congratulations, Arden and Ana!Congratulations are in order for two undergraduate research assistants whose independent research projects were awarded a Provost's...
New article alert: Self-directed violence in juvenile facilitiesDr. Cavanagh's latest article, Youth Perceptions of Juvenile Justice Facility Staff: Associations With Self-Directed Violence Among...